
A few weeks ago, eight students from the Middle School Leadership team attended the David Brower Youth Awards, at the Herbst Theatre in San Francisco.  Students met youth environmental activists from all over the country.
Tyrone, Ana, Sidhartha, Francis, Arianna, Lilliana, Juan, and Alaina pose in front of the Herbst theatre.
Tyrone signs up for more information about future Earth Institute events.
Between performances by Youth Speaks.
One thing I liked about the Brower Youth Awards was that a man was trying to help the biggest forest in the Northern Hemisphere (in Canada).  This really helps the environment because forests have trees.  The trees give us oxygen to breathe.  If we can't breathe, we can't live.  I agree with him, but we, the humans, should not only focus on one forest, but all forests.  He gave a good speech about humans and their responsibilities to the environment.  One strong part of his speech is when he said, This forest didn't just give us oxygen, but if you go into a canoe and travel deeper into the forest by one mile ore more and drink the water, the water would be the same as if you drank fountain water.  Helping this forest helps the earth. --Sidhartha

I learned that people eat too much junk food and that this is bad for the earth.  I liked how people gave a speech and told us how they feel and then explained how the environment can help us a lot.  I can't wait until we start to compost and help the earth and community.

I enjoyed the poems that were spoken word about the environment and their lives.  People said them really fast and that was cool.

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